Molly's Facebook Celebrities!
Interviews with my friends and family (with answers pulled from Facebook)
Monday, Aug 15th Jonathan "Jon" Thomas
Me: You recently bought a house in Michigan. How do you like it?
JT: Anyone know the going rate for a Bikram yoga class??? First class starts at 8 pm....up-stairs at my house currently about 110 and 100% humidity (guest instructors welcome)
Me: Yikes, sounds hot. You're close to a park thought, right? That must be good for the dog.
JT: Soccer practice = hot moms at the park....Ernie gets an extra long walk today.Pulled the classic dog park move tonight....pick up 'phone call' at first sign of squat. Good thing too...Ernie was in Frosty mode (original, not wild berry thankfully)
Me: Kind of a weird segue, but do you like Frosty's?
JT: Strawberry milk may be the most underrated beverage.
Me: I guess it is often overlooked. So, anything else of interest in the neighborhood?
JT: Really glad I don't currently attend a B'Ham Middle/High School because I would look like a complete d-bag in skinny jeans.
Me: Yeah, you're all grown up now, owning a house, retirement accounts...
JT: No better way to wake up on a Sunday than from an online bankin alert....yep credit card number
Me: Ouch. Did you get the alert on your phone?
JT: Things my cell phone current can't do: take pictures, text, or make outgoing
Me: Geez, a stolen card, a broken phone... just you and this leftover Chinese food.
JT: So what does it mean when you crack a fortune cookie and its empty? Probably should stay inside tonight.
Me: Heard there's a game on.
JT: Washington spent 126 mil on an outfielder this off-season and you are throwing Livan Hernandez on opening day? Nice staff.
Me: Sure, the Nationals. The Tigers are your team, though, right?
JT: Picking up some Cheesy G's to ease the pain of that loss
Me: Any thoughts on other sports?
JT: Message to any and all who feel the need to put a 13.1 or 26.2 oval sticker on their one cares how far you ran that one time......really, no one, except you. So keep it to yourself.
To the dude sporting the skin-tight LIVESTRONG shirt while riding a me a favor and hop on the co-pilot seat because you aren't fooling anyone....we all know who runs that relationship.
Me: Hey, just because he's riding a tandem doesn't mean he's a wimp.
JT: so you are trying to tell me Bobby Hurley isn't soft? Right....that's why he is a spokesman for Dove+Men...aaaaaaaaaaah boy.
Me: Oh, I don't know. I 'm not even sure who Bobby Hurley is to be honest. Um, working on anything new these days?
JT: I need to find Ernie a friendly primate.
Me: And who's on your i pod these days?
JT: Ray Charles...real good.
Me: Sweet. Well, I think we're going to have to wrap this up. Do you happen to have any questions for my readers?
JT: What dickbag invented the fitted bed-sheet? Trying to fold it = me getting pissed after about 20 seconds and just balling it up. F.
Me: I will be sure to ask them. Thanks for the interview and enjoy your new place!
I'll be presenting Molly's Facebook Celebrities all week.
Make sure to check in daily. Who knows...the next celebrity might be you!
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